It’s Sunday morning and the Blogger Tribe is collectively sharing their Sunday Lately posts. Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe (lead by Angelica, Meghan, Nicole, and Katy). The prompts for May 01 (Week 70):: Completing, Visiting, Repeating, Writing, Scheduling.
Catch up and read all of my past Sunday Lately posts and join camp with the Tribe on Facebook!
Completing:: Even though we have bi-weekly cleaning appointments (and they were just here this past Thursday), I just completed mopping all the floors on the 1st floor because they all smelled like wet dog. WTH!? It’s like they cleaned a house before hours with dogs and used the same mop water. After two days, it didn’t dissipate, and I couldn’t take it anymmore.
Visiting:: Today, we’ll be visiting ALL THE HOME STORES. Ha! Now that we’re mostly settled in, we’ve figured out a few needs for our living spaces. Plus, we’ll be hosting our first out-of-town visitors this month!
Repeating:: Despite how bummed I am about not returning to Pittsburgh to run the marathon with friends this weekend, I need to repeat how I felt immediately upon running the PGH Half last year: I don’t EVER want to run that again. It’s difficult in this current moment because I was so excited to take on the full; but last year, I was miserable (I only signed up this year because I had won a free entry and wanted to join a few friends running their first marathon). But… I was really overwhelmed by the crowds. UGH THE CROWDS. And the weather is always totally unpredictable. It’s a conflict that I thought would be resolved with not training appropriately and moving away and separating myself from the city. Instead, it’s bubbled up emotions that I wasn’t really ready prepared for.
Writing:: I’m currently writing down some lists for a possible 30-day challenge project to take me through the next year. Because…
Scheduling:: It’s BIRTHDAY MONTH!!! Besides making plans for the BIGGEST DAY/LAST YEAR of my 30s, my scheduled Birthday Fix arrived a week early — and it’s seriously one of my favorite Stitch Fix boxes [affiliate link] that I’ve ever received (seriously!!!). I really feel like they curated it specially for me and my style (I asked for a Fix specific for my birthday celebrations, to include some new shoes and a pink dress and THEY DELIVERED).

The CUTEST Adrianna Papell floral dress, the Pixley green tropical print blazer that I asked for (over a white lace-up top that’s not really my style but ended up looking super cute on), and the Franco Sarto heels that I had pinned! I also received a pair of distressed Kut from the Kloth denim, which are my second pair from the brand — I really like how they fit me!